Saturday, January 05, 2008

feelin green now...someway...lagi mood pake baju hijau...uda 3 hari berturut-turut pake hijau..don't know why...

I spend too much time browsing I guees and find some funny stuff:
  1. I found one of my classmate in this article
  2. Found a great fashion photographer
  3. Found another classmate in this web (thumbnail, klo mau liat full musti jadi member)
Belakangan rasanya cuacanya lagi agak terlalu dingin yah...i'm wearin my sweater everywhere...don't know why...apa emang lagi dingin atau saya yg mulai sakit??

Killin my time with watchin's some list of movies that I watched recently:
  1. December Boys
  2. Chocolat
  3. Devil Come on Horseback
  4. Fur
Still workin on my job..bru slesai stengahnya..still long way to go I gues..


Anonymous said...

iya fotonya yaya bbrp kali gue lihat di majalan :D talented banget tuh anak

Raynata... said...

iyah..dia emang sering kluar di SOAP kan? dia itu salah satu alasan gw tetep baca SOAP meski uda ditinggal Samuel Mulya...hhe

Anonymous said...

bukan Mulya tapi MULIA hihihi...gue gak pernah beli SOAP, lebih sering cuma buka2 aja kalo lagi ke aksara :))

Raynata... said...

o iya...maap2...suka salah menuliskan ejaan...hha...

gw jg ga beli sie honestly...yg beli adik gw..tapi beberapa edisi gantian belinya..kalo adik gw lagi bokek..hhe