Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Dapet tugas dari dia buat isi form di bawah ini..jadi diisi deh..hhe...ada komentar?? tolong bantu isi point yang keenam??? ada comment? about the photo or else?
*I'm passionate about :
1. Life
2. Photography
3. Art
(sebenernya pengen jawab architecture,tapi kayaknya ilmu masi kurang)
*Mostly I say:
1. Somehow...
2. Anyway...
3. What The F***
4. D*mm*t
5. Terserah..
6. Whatever..
(kok klo bukan kata ga jelas ya thrash talking...)
* I’ve just finished reading:
1. Sistem Bangunan Tinggi Untuk Arsitek dan Praktisi Bangunan
2. Traveler's Tale (REALLY GREAT!!)
3. Angel and Demon
4. Digital Fortress
5. Harry Potter and The Deadly Hallow
* Kalo Tuhan mengijinkan before I die, I want to…
1. Confess all my sin...
2. be a better person
3. take my parents for a trip to Lourdes and Europe
4. Put a little smile in their face (they, who I love the most)
5. See the other side of this world...go around the world..never have the intention to stay in the corner of the world such as Indonesia for the rest of my life...
* I love listening to…
1. Their stories (they, who I love the most)
2. Maroon 5
3. Michael Buble
4. The Beatles
5. Jason Mraz
* What My Friends like bout me :
(ada yang isa tolong isi??)
*+ Last year I’ve learned…
1. To be a better man
2. Photography (panning, composition, tone)
3. Architecture (structure, construction, practical stuff)
4. How to be a good listener
5. How is the feelin of get my heart broken... (it isn't that good actually)
6. Photoshop stuff (to make a better layout, using the clipping mask, the script,etc)
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sotoi na yg sering menjadi suatu kepastian.
architect of ownlife
pekerja keras ...
eniwei..digital fortress bagoes ga?traveler's tale cerita apaan ray?
apa adanya
pekerja keras (stuju ama nca)
yang gw suka foto"-nya,bagus" ray bikin iri banget hihi.
selain itu dari tulisan"nya, terdengar wise hehe..
@Vera : kok gw berasa jadi cenayang skarang...hhe
@Nca : iyah..sampe digadang-gadang bisa mengurangi umur..hhe..
digital fortress..klo loe suka teknologi, loe bakal suka banget ama novel ini...Traveler's tale? cerita 4 orang di 4 negara berbeda (beberapa benua), sama-sama mau ke Barcelona buat nyelesein masalahnya..jadi ada 4 sudut pandang..ada 4 pengarang..keren deh..hhe
@Maureen : makasi yah reen :)
@pepito : heh? jgn gitu pep..jadi tersanjung saya..hhe
cenayang ma pendeta beda tipis tah?
architect of [my] own life
(setelah direvisi)
situ tersanjung saya tersandung.. hohoo.. knapa fotony bgs bgd c ?!
that you took prettyful picturess....!!
ohh btw..
angels and demons itu buku paling bagus dari Dan Brown ya..
dibanding davinci code. ato digital fortress..
u think?
digital fortess bagus sih, tapi agak berat..advance techonology-related memang selalu berat..hehe
n btw, baru baca blognya istribawel..katanya travelers' tale ada rencana mo dibikin layar lebar..UHHUIIII
@Teii : kenapa tersandung gitu?? hhe...
@Aina : makasii yah :) hmm..secara cerita...Angel and Demon emang paling juara..flick-nya bener-bener ga terduga..cara ngembangin karakternya juga luar biasa.. imajinasinya agak liar emang.. tapi smuanya dikemas sangat baik..thriller, emosi, dan keakuratan fakta umumnya bener-bener luar biasa... iyah, kalo dibikin film seru juga kali yah...tapi kayaknya mahal...secara itu ke afrika-asia-eropa-amerika..hhe
wah karena km bikin PR
jadinya tau deh km suka Michael Buble juga..
awesome! gw suka bgt lagu2 mas Buble itu
slm kenal ya
@Aji : yup...suaranya tuh dahsyat banget..bisa memberikan ketenangan hati dan jiwa kalo dengerinnya..hha..salam kenal yoo
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