Sunday, September 21, 2008

It's been a while I guess..

Too many things happened had been a very chaotic weeks for me..the moments..the tasks..those freakin deadlines... and yet, still more to come.. hopefully I can make it all the way...

for some reason, now I really want to believe that everythin happened for the best..that everythin happened for a reason... a good one that maybe I won't know the reason until I reach the ending..

I don't know what to post actually..

but, in this very moment, I am in love with this quote :

"The ability to love something, no matter how fragile it is, it's a hallmark sign of psychological health."
-Sigmund Freud-

When I'm awfully low..I read that quote..and realized..that I am psychologically healthy, and I'm happy with it :)

any comment?

for the photo? btw.. it's a photo of a mornin in my campus.. taken with my cell,i'm sorry for the low resolution :)


nca said...

fotonya bagus ray...tadinya kirain di luar negri, pas diliat2 lagi ternyata di kampus yah...tapi koq kesannya lonely banget..

studio+ architecture said...

keren bang hahaha......mesti bnyk berguru ni hehehe....

Raynata... said...

@nca : emang blakangan mood-nya lagi kayak gitu...too many things happened nca...hhe.. makasi btw :)

@Fandy : halah halah..berguru...

Anonymous said...

comment on the photo: so romantic yet so sad...

Anonymous said...

cool..... and empty