Monday, March 24, 2008

Many things crossed my mind recently...Many simple-yet-sometime-sound-so-silly thought...

Like..until now...I still can't think of a single reason why I still doing all this Architecture stuff but I can mention you hundreds reason why I want to quit this thing... But still... I'm still doin this... And still don't know why... Maybe I didn't realize it, that this thing started to flow in my vein... Until now I often didn't realize when I started to like something... Like the day when I started to like photography...or design... It just happened... without any reason... And here I am, finding myself really enjoying myself in those fields... And those stuffs have flown in my vein and became a huge part in my everyday life... And the same thing also occured in the moment when I started to like somebody... It just occured... without any reason... Until I find myself that I really like that person... Like her... Love her... Just the way she always is... Not more not even less.. Started to like her because she is her...Hmm...actually, I still remember when I realize that feeling...when I read this...(I have mentioned it in my previous post I guess)

Other thing is...I don't know why... I have the intention to something that unreachable for me.. something that maybe I can't get... or anything that seemed to good for me... have a high-level-and-sometimes-unrealistic-if-you-don't-want-to-say-it-crazy standard about almost every aspect in my life... but I still believe that this is a good thing... at least I give it a shot to reach it.. to live my dream... I still choose the hard way... to give anything a try... okei, I admit that sometimes those questions did pop in my mind...such as "how if I am wrong?", "how If I made mistake that I can't undo?"... but....what the hell... I still believe it's much better to give it a try... even though maybe I fail another day... but at least I have given it a try... than let myself stuck in the moment and wondering about that thing... at least I can sweep today's possibility under tomorrow's rug... so I am able to try another possibilities another day... And it's even better that you know what you want... It whole lotta better than not knowing what you want...

isn't it?
any opinion?


maureen . suryani said...

u'll absolutely failed if u dont give anything a try :)

When you are asked if you can do a job, tell 'em, 'Certainly I can!' Then get busy and find out how to do it (Theodore Roosevelt)

ini re... kata2 bijak yang kumaksud waktu itu... nice ya?
had inspired me a lot...

Raynata... said...

yup.. it really is an inspiring quote :)

just give it a try..get busy...believe in urself...and let God do the rest :)

Anonymous said...

setuju sama quote maureen.
jadi bikin nambah semangat ngerjain ina ini ina inu yang DLnya bentar lagi :)

Raynata... said...

semangat yah...kadang-kadang bingung juga...kemauan buat ngerjain sesuatu suka ada pasang surutnya..padhal waktunya jalan terus..hhu

Anonymous said...

itu foto dmana ta? lucu bgd lightingny.. heheh..

Raynata... said...

@teii : di Gereja Regina Caeli..aslinya sie ga sebagus itu...uda diedit sana-sini..klo dibikin color agak berantem soalnya warnanya..hhe